Monday, 30 April 2012

End of Year Gift for my Little Ones

I know, I know, I'm way early but I had a student leaving to India at the End of April so I figured I'd get these out of the way. I'm also moving back to Windsor on June 30th, so I thought I'd get these out of the way!

Since my little ones live in a very urban area I know they have access to sidewalks. Who doesn't like colourful sidewalks in the summer?

My supplies! I bought everything except for my stapler (not seen here) and my markers (not seen here) at Dollarama. I also forgot to photograph the card stock I used to display their names. Please see below

I found these great little baggies in the craft section at Dollarama. I was so happy because they fit the chalk pretty well.

I couldn't help myself. I love colours! 

You can buy a pack of this multicoloured cardstock in the craft area in Dollarama. I have folded them in half and and coloured them with some PITT artist pens.

I forgot that I don't own a proper stapler so I put my chalk and little name cards into an old bag.

I folded the paper cards over the end of the sealed bag and stapled once at both ends. I think they will love them! If they don't I had a great time making them!

Wishing you a creative day! 


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