Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Cookie Jar Terrarium

I worked in advance on this project too. Me and my friend Maya decided to make terrariums for our moms for Mother's Day. Since my mom came to visit last weekend, I wanted to give it to her then because I wasn't going to be able to see her until a few weeks after Mother's Day. When my mom saw the terrarium sitting on my kitchen table she was so intrigued by it. This made me so happy because it was for her! Needles to say, she was thrilled when she found out!


  • gloves
  • trowel
  • soil
  • terrarium appropriate plants do you want succulents or regular plants...no lid on succulents or they will rot!
  • activated charcoal (Maya found this at an aquarium store. It's kinda pricey for frugal me).
  • rocks
  • sand (optional)
  • moss
  • the vessel in which you want to have your terrarium. 

Some of our supplies. I could only find Irish moss so fingers crossed

My clean cookie jar from WalMart and rocks from Dollarama

Make a layer of rocks at the bottom. Keep a few rocks for decoration on top. 

We only used about 75g of charcoal each. About 50g at the bottom and 25g mixed in with the soil. I feel like we could of used more. Through my research I learned that the activated charcoal/ carbon is to help clean the water which makes sense since we will be "recycling" the water. 

Finding small enough plants is super tough. we ended up cutting down our ferns quite a bit. 

Some moss and some rocks and a little fiddling ( I found a good pair of chopsticks were helpful) and presto! 

Happy planting! Let me know how your terrarium goes.

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